Award Abstract #2030653

RAPID: Survey Study of COVID-19 Responses in Southeast Alaska

See grant description on NSF site

Program Manager:

Erica Hill

Active Dates:

Awarded Amount:



Lisa J Busch

Ryan Brown

Ron A Heintz

Awardee Organization:



Geosciences (GEO)


This time-sensitive RAPID project focuses on public risk responses to the COVID-19 crisis in rural Alaska. The project involves a two-part attitudinal and behavioral survey in Southeast Alaska rural communities, which were disproportionately affected by the 1918 flu pandemic. The initial survey will be conducted immediately to assess current attitudes and behaviors relative to COVID-19. A follow-up survey conducted six months later will document what, if any, changes in public attitudes and behaviors have occurred. This research leverages the current crisis to provide insight on the differences in COVID-19 risk perception and behavior between Alaska Natives and rural Alaskans and Americans in the Lower 48 states. The work will contribute to better understanding how geographic variation and isolation impact pandemic attitudes and behaviors and to state and national preparedness to future public health crises.The research leverages existing partnerships in communities to maximize participation and engagement. Two sets of surveys of rural residents of Southeast Alaska are supplemented with qualitative interviews that contextualize COVID-19 perceptions and behaviors. Broader impacts are ensured through community engagement activities involving existing local partners and include participation of researchers in the award-winning “Scientists in Schools” program, as well as public presentations and public radio appearances. Formal dissemination of results will occur through scholarly articles, reports, and professional presentations and through social media outlets.This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.

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